The spiritual path of Kriya Yoga




Centro di Consapevolezza Spirituale ®

affiliated to

Center for Spiritual Awareness

Lakemont, GA - USA


Rev. Furio Sclano

Ordained minister in the Kriya Yoga tradition

My name is Furio Sclano and I am an ordained minister in the Kriya Yoga tradition. These pages are dedicated to Kriya Yoga and particularly to the Kriya Yoga tradition of Paramahansa Yogananda, Roy Eugene Davis and their successors. By visiting the English section of this website you will understand what Kriya Yoga is, who we are, what you can read in order to deepen your knowledge on this subject and how you can learn Kriya Yoga. I am sure you will find this visit an interesting one.



Roy Eugene Davis Interview


If God could speak in words, we might hear: "I am the unchanging Reality of all that is. I am the Universe, I am all beings, I am you. Though I express in diverse ways, I am undivided. I am not in the least influenced by events occurring in my Self-manifested realms and I am forever the impartial witness of all that occurs"

- Roy Eugene Davis, direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda


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